3D-Produktpräsentation einer technischen Anlage 3D-Produktpräsentation einer technischen Anlage

Interactive 3D product presentations for your success in marketing and sales

Want to make B2B communication about your complex machines or product applications more successful and more efficient? Let's talk about your interactive 3D product presentation today!

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  • Amazing 3D presentation
  • No 3D expertise required
  • Runs on your hardware
These companies rely on our interactive 3D product presentations for their B2B communication

Benefits of an interactive 3D product presentation

Make your B2B communication clearer, more attractive and more efficient

Virtuelle Modelle bieten eine ideale Lösung, um das gesamte Produktspektrum zu präsentieren, ohne dass jedes Produkt physisch vor Ort sein muss.

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How interactive 3D product presentations make the difference

Every Project a new Success Story

  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Von unserer Firma wurden die 3D-Echtzeitdarstellungen von der Firma 3DIT bisher vor allem für Vortragszwecke zu den Themen „virtuelle Fabrik“, „digitaler Zwilling“ und „Cyber-Physical-Systems“ verwendet. Hier kann man bei der Zuhörerschaft durch die beeindruckenden Impressionen, die sich aus den Darstellungsmöglichkeiten der Videos ergeben, höchste Aufmerksamkeit erreichen.
    E. Shalimova Marketing Managerin der DEAXO GmbH
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    We claim to be the technology leader - and we can clearly demonstrate this with digital twins of our pharmaceutical freeze dryers.
    G. Dietrich Marketing Manager, GEA Lyophil GmbH
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    When I show digital twins of our hygienic pumps in discussions with customers, they are always impressed and immediately convinced of our expertise. This has played a decisive role in helping us win important orders against strong competitors.
    H. Mähnert CEO, Kyffhäuser Pumpen Artern GmbH
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    It is cost-intensive to set up automatic commissioning machines at trade fairs. However, we want to explain to customers with serious intentions exactly how such an automation solution is set up and how it works. We therefore looked around for alternative, interactive ways of presenting products and came across 3DIT and its Govie format. We were immediately convinced.
    S. Zimmermann Product Marketing Manager, Omnicell Inc.
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    3DIT understood our challenge immediately and took care of our 3D interaction professionally and quickly.
    Saskia Klemm Marketing Communications Manager, Pilz GmbH & Co. KG
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Our collaboration has resulted in an interactive animation that not only inspires, but also perfectly illustrates the complexity of our annular groove heat exchangers - a real success!
    Dr. Andreas Baldus Head of Sales, GAB Neumann GmbH

Interactive 3D product presentations for your B2B business

6 reasons repeating customers choose 3DIT

150 renowned customers

Top-class references from SMEs to exchange listed corporations, many of them market leaders in mechanical and plant engineering.

10 years of experience

We start where others stop. Nobody masters complex 3D interactions better than we do. Even small projects benefit from this.

In use thousands of times

Hundreds of successful industry projects for B2B marketing and sales and always at the cutting edge of technology.

Industry knowledge

We are an active member of the German Mechanical Engineering Association. We understand your technology, your sales and your marketing.

International projects

We had customers from Canada, Singapore, the US and many other places. All team members can handle projects in English.

100% know-how protection

Your interactive 3D product presentation no longer contains any original data and only shows what matters.

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Live-Beispiel eines 3D-Messeexponats

Erkunden Sie die Vielseitigkeit eines digitalen 3D-Messeexponats

Virtuelle 3D-Modelle können Funktionen zeigen, die in der physischen Welt schwer zu demonstrieren sind, z. B. durch Animationen, die das Innenleben oder die Funktionsweise des Produkts erläutern.

Why 3D interactive 3D product presentation go beyond all other media

Benefit from a unique combination of superior features

  • Realistic 3D model

    look & feel match the real product.

    Realistic 3D model
  • Intuitive handling in 3D

    Explore every relevant detail with ease.

    Intuitive handling in 3D
  • Deep insights

    X-ray view, hide single parts or entire assemblies

    Deep insights
  • Animated as if it were live

    Show processes from all sides, no matter how complicated.

    Animated as if it were live
  • Product information included

    Further information and links exactly where you need them

    Product information included
  • Multilingual capability

    European and Asian languages, extendable by yourself

    Multilingual capability
  • Compact and fast

    Don't worry: we can handle even huge CAD data.

    Compact and fast
  • Windows, Web, iOS, ...

    Our solutions are guaranteed to fit your IT.

    Windows, Web, iOS, ...

How to create an interactive 3D product presentation

Supporting you from concept to rollout


The final benefit of your interactive 3D product presentation is paramount in our joint conception. With the experience of hundreds of 3D projects, we turn your questions and ideas into a unique proposal.


There are no surprises as to what the end result will be. When our highly qualified team puts your interactive 3D product presentation into shape, you will soon receive the first results for approval.


We support the implementation of your interactive 3D product presentation at your trade fair stand, within your sales team or on your website both personally and, if required, on site. We are not satisfied until you are.

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Everything you need to know about interactive 3D product presentations

Frequently asked questions

What do you need from us to create an interactive 3D product presentation?

Ideally, you provide us with CAD data of your product. Our review to check whether the data is suitable is free of charge. We would be pleased to conclude a non-disclosure agreement. If you don't have CAD data, e.g. because it's about an entire application environment, give us pictures or sketches and we will model it. If you would like to show components or processes in action, you can help us with videos of how they work or with simulations. You can also provide us with texts and other media to enrich your interactive 3D product presentation.

How will our know-how be protected in an interactive 3D product presentation?

A 3D product presentation contains no more CAD data. All meta information has also been removed. Reverse engineering is no longer possible! And anything you don't want to show in your interactive 3D product presentation can simply be deleted from your 3D product model.

We have hundreds of product variants. Won't 3D product presentations be too expensive?

We then develop a so-called pipeline for model preparation. The pipeline largely automates what highly qualified 3D artists and designers would otherwise do by hand. Personnel costs and model preparation time are drastically reduced. This makes interactive 3D product presentations affordable even if you have thousands of products.

What if we only have a very small budget?

While our interactive 3D product presentations offer superior benefits, they are often no more expensive than "3D" videos. Alternatively, you should look at our Govie Editor: This allows you to produce interactive 3D presentations (Govies) of your products yourself and publish them on all conceivable end devices - all this without any programming knowledge. Many users who can invest the necessary time achieve very good results, especially with projects of moderate complexity.

We are familiar with 3D. Can we reduce costs by doing some work ourselves?

Yes, you can. First of all, you can reduce your CAD models yourself. We would be happy to show you how we need them. If you are able to design and animate the 3D models yourself, e.g. with Blender or 3dsmax, they are already suitable for creating interactive 3D product presentations. In addition, our Govie Editor can be used to create impressive interactive 3D product presentations without any programming knowledge.

Our agency also does 3D. What's the difference?

There are many agencies that turn 3D models into stylish images and videos. But videos are not 3D, they remain a 2D medium. You can tell a real interactive 3D presentation by the fact that your product is in a 3D world. You can turn it around and even look into it - while all the animations go on. This is not possible in video or in the real world and it has been proven to result in greater involvement and superior product understanding. We do not replace your existing agency, we complement it and enjoy working together.

And what about VR, AR, MR, XR and the Metaverse?

We supply 3D content for virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and metaverse as forms of extended reality (XR). We know how you can integrate it into VR, AR and MR applications and use it there. In short: it all starts with 3D(IT). Talk to us!

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Get started with your interactive 3D product presentation!

Contact us today for a personal introduction